for thy love is better than wine."
Song of Solomon 1:2
I would like to tell the story of how my wonderful husband and I met and fell in love. We both feel that God placed us at the right time and place to find one another. It was my freshman year in high school. I was in a new choir program called Show Choir(yes, like Glee, only lots dorkier). Our class had a shortage of male voices and from what I hear and piece together, some of the teachers agreed to send a few students our way, although it was rather strange how it all happened. My husband was one of the boys who was told he could either take typing(a class where he'd actually have to work) or choir(a class with girls and no homework, hmm...tough choice). As our rehearsal was beginning there was a knock at the door and a messenger with a note followed by a line of unsuspecting boys. As soon as I saw that awkward young man shuffling his feet and staring at the carpet, I was smitten! I made a decision right there that he was going to be mine, although I had no idea how or why I felt so sure. I credit the Lord who had a greater plan than a little high school crush. My husband shifted his weight from side to side and glanced up now and then until he caught sight of this girl who was so familiar, though he was sure they had never met. He could not stop staring and thought of this girl until class the next day. It took a week before we finally introduced ourselves through friends.As time passed, we chatted here and there, passed notes in the hallway, gave each other long intense gazes from across the lunchroom. Ahhh, teenage love. Then the worst news ever fell on my ears. He was moving away to a school across town. Our blooming romance had been nipped in the bud. It was tragic. I wanted to die a horribly romantic death like Romeo and Juliet. Woe was me.
Alas, God had different plans. This great guy had a car and drove out to see me every weekend for months. Our first kiss was wonderful. I actually swooned. I used to feel so fainty when he was around and he was sure I didn't like him but was afraid to hurt his feelings. He'd drop me off at curfew and then drive by later after all the lights were out in the house and shout out the window of his car "I love you, Robin!" It would usually be the last thing I heard on Saturday nights before I fell asleep. He'd plan a surprise birthday party for my 15th birthday. The next year when I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed, he brought my best friend to my house and celebrated with cake and presents from my sickbed. Years later he would drive hours away to visit me out of state after my family moved. He would leave his hometown and start a new life to be nearer to us. And one day he would buy a little ring and hide it in his pocket until he could slip it on my finger during a lakeside picnic under the summer sun. By fall I would have his name. By the next fall I would have the first of his babies. Five more babies later and many years of joyful marriage passed, I would do every minute of it again. He is the most handsome, kind, funny, perfect man for me. God made us for one another. I look at our life together and marvel at the blessings that came from that one very strange day long ago when I saw the man I knew I would marry. What a beautiful life God has designed for us.
Happy Valentine's Day
to my Handsome Husband,
Father of my Precious Children,
and King of my Heart!